new books! – mammoth // building nothing out of something

new books!

New Books!

On the left (The author’s blog is absolutely worth reading regularly as well.)

On the right

Has anyone else read either of them? I’ll post some thoughts as I work my way though.

Speaking of books, this one has just been added to my must-buy list, and I’m on the waiting list for this gem.

4 Responses to “new books!”

  1. rholmes says:


    Though its really embarrassing that you didn’t hide your copy of “Make It So: Leadership Lessons from Star Trek: The Next Generation” better.

  2. sbecker says:

    nice pull, how long have you been waiting to trot out that link?

  3. […] like Paris and Chicago could change, and how they did.  From that, and a couple more case studies (like my latest library additions on LA), I hope a clearer picture will emerge about what the more malleable and less malleable components […]

  4. […] Cities.  It may be the single greatest collection of architectural ego ever assembled (yes, it’s on my to-buy list).  I was struck by how much control over the lives of the inhabitants the architects wanted to […]