squirrel highways – mammoth // building nothing out of something

squirrel highways

[“Squirrel Highways”, a drawing by Denis Wood, Carter Crawford and Shaub Dunkley, from Denis Wood’s Everything Sings: Maps for a Narrative Atlas, which Wood describes as a “cartographic poem” about the North Carolina neighborhood of Boylan Heights, where he lives.  Wood evidences a fantastic ability to animate prosaic terrain through the making of maps which are simple in conception,  deliberate in execution, and, I think, derive their power from the splendid isolation that they render each element of that terrain in — power poles and power lines, traffic control signs, delivery routes, bus routes as choreography akin to ballet, etc.

Read more about Everything Sings and view a gallery of Wood’s images at Places.]

One Response to “squirrel highways”

  1. […] (via) posted by Sarah Pavis in animals, architecture, civics, graphic design, illustration | * | comment  […]