on bicycling infrastructure – mammoth // building nothing out of something

on bicycling infrastructure

While this recent Infrastructurist post (entitled “Reasons Not to Bike to Work: You Can Die”) on the sad news of another cycling fatality is unfortunately an excellent example of the importance of remembering that data is not the plural of anecdote, The Next American City has an excellent post by David Alpert (of Greater Greater Washington) which begins with observations about the city seen from the bicycle seat by David Byrne (who, in addition to being a musician, is the author of the recent book Bicycle Diaries), notes the lack of bicycle infrastructure in most American cities (with Portland as a positive exception), discusses regulatory and bureaucratic barriers to the construction of bicycle infrastructure (for instance: federal rules require “a detailed air quality conformity analysis” before approving new bicycle lanes), and finishes with practical steps both to take and being taken to promote bicycle infrastructure.

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