iphone-atlas – mammoth // building nothing out of something

Tag Archives: iphone-atlas


[“The Digital Dump”, a graphic about e-waste from Good.is‘s “Transparency” series and Column Five Media.] Mostly for our own purposes (keeping track of things we see), we’ve started Visibility, a tumblr collecting items related to An Atlas of iPhone Landscapes. I make no promises about how frequently it will or won’t be updated, but if […]

an atlas of iphone landscapes

[MMG Century, in northwest Queensland — the world’s second-largest zinc mine, owned and operated by the Chinese metals conglomerate China MinMetal. MMG Century features prominently in the talk below.] 1 Note that if you are reading this indirectly, i.e. on Google Reader, you may not see the video below. 1. A conversation the other day reminded […]

a preliminary atlas of gizmo landscapes

[A water tank stands in Brooklyn, festooned with cellular antennas, photographed by flickr user Dreamer7112.] From the Franklin Stove, and the Stetson Hat, through the Evinrude outboard to the walkie-talkie, the spray can, and the cordless shaver, the most typical American way of improving the human situation has been by means of crafty and usually […]