Links – mammoth // building nothing out of something

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productivity signaling and size borrowing

Ryan Avent, who maintains the indispensable blog The Bellows, is one of my favorite writers on economics and urbanism. He recently drew attention to two interesting papers which are related to his response to an article in the the American Prospect by Alec MacGillis which was critical of Richard Florida (which mammoth previously highlighted). Avent contends […]


Somewhere, Louis Kahn is blushing. HOW DARE THEY. Is this Landscape Urbanism? Or is this? More on Seoul here. And here.

Don’t look now, but there’s an ant on your Southeast leg.

This is an endlessly fascinating article about the role language plays in cognition. Forgive me for quoting at length: Follow me to Pormpuraaw, a small Aboriginal community on the western edge of Cape York, in northern Australia. I came here because of the way the locals, the Kuuk Thaayorre, talk about space. Instead of words […]

nytimes magazine: on infrastructure

The New York Times Magazine annual architecture issue is here. This year’s theme? Infrastructure.

recent reading

1. A post on Human Transit points out the “old habits of urbanist thought” that were built into the structure of SimCity. Would be interesting to not only expose the fallacious assumptions embedded in the game, but to ruminate on the ways in which the game, being a particularly late-arriving artifact of modernist urbanism, is […]