the waterways experiment station – mammoth // building nothing out of something

the waterways experiment station

[The Waterways Experiment Station, in Vicksburg, Mississippi, is currently the home of the Army Corp’s Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory.  (It also is the entity which operated the Mississippi Basin Model, and the research into flood control and river hydrology which was once conducted physically on that model and its sister models is now conducted, primarily through computer simulations, at the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory.)  The Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory is one of seven USACE research posts, from the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory to the Topographic Engineering Center, which cumulatively compose a distributed network for landscape science known as the Engineer Research and Development Center.  If the Army Corps of Engineers can be understood as “the country’s most radically avant-garde landscape practice”, then that network of research posts should be understood as one of the key elements in that practice, as it is within those seven compounds that they analyze, experiment, and predict.]

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