pathological-geomorphology – mammoth // building nothing out of something

Tag Archives: pathological-geomorphology

atchafalaya ii-b: the geomorphology of old river

[Image compiled from Army Corps of Engineers diagrams via Wikimedia.] Quoting further from McPhee’s “Atchafalaya”: “…In the Red River, [Shreve] undertook to disassemble a “raft”—uprooted trees by the tens of thousands that were stopping navigation for a hundred and sixty miles. Shreve cleared eighty miles in one year. Meanwhile, at 31 degrees north latitude (about […]

pathological superpositions

I’ve mentioned before my fondness for the blog Pathological Geomorphology, but this month’s theme is particularly fantastic: the interface of human landscapes and geomorphology.  In Green River, Utah (above), for instance, an extinct oxbow determines contemporary land-use patterns; other examples so far include farmed alluvial fans in Asian deserts, Pennsylvania farmland interspersed between anticlines, and […]